Prophetic word by Pat Regan
The wind is changing. For some this is good news as they know the God of the wind. The Sovereign Lord is in charge as their eyes are fixed on Him. For others its just another day not knowing what the wind of change will bring. To some all they see is the present and what is visible, others just know its part of the process where we are all heading as they have been watching the times and seasons and are alert.
The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is coming to His people in a new way as events in their lives begin to overtake them and the scales from their eyes begin to fall. As in the garden, Adam knew something had changed when God called him. It is a fear, motivated by love to give a guidance and boundaries that has been eroding over this time. As Father God sits on His throne raise your eyes as the unexpected will become more normal. Those that see it will not be surprised, others will still be groping in the darkness in the clutter of time.
Rejoice for the Lord is at hand. Your redemption draweth nigh.
What you see as climate change is creation groaning for that day of the sons of God appearing.
“There is a hardness of some hearts that will begin to crack and in those cracks the light of My Glory, My Presence will bring a spirit of repentance, to bring to you real life. This will be accelerated as you yield to me. As the flood of my joy is flowing. The power of My Love will be like a tidal wave of cleansing that goes beyond knowledge and understanding. This will bring healing to every part of you. All that I do and allow is motivated by My love”
“Now is the time to stand up and rise in My power and strength and might. As you have been bowing down to the idolatry of this world with all its values and opinions, they will then fall off you.
A few days later –
“Your boundaries are being tested like no other time, as the enemy of your soul is bringing more distractions. On the inside of you is My Spirit that will empower you to stand and push through the darkness and take the light of my presence (Glory) where I have placed you into the darkness. Watch and see the glory of My presence accomplish what you tried to do and cannot. As its not by might not by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord”